Important Things You Need to Know About Writing a Book for Your Expert Business

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to write a book, check out this expert book consultant advice.

By Danielle Mendoza
Bespoke book consultant for entrepreneurs.

You’re a brilliant woman. You’ve created a multi-six-figure business. Your clients are getting stellar results.

…but you’re ready to scale—you want MORE.

More impact, more credibility, and more revenue. You know that writing an expert book for your business would be an impactful next step and you’ve got a burning desire to become a published author, but your mind swirls into a flurry of thoughts:

Can I really afford to spend a year or more writing a book?

How can a book bring me to my next revenue goal?

How many would I have to sell and how can I even sell that many books?

Where would I even begin?!

Important Things You Need to Know About Writing a Book for Your Expert Business Pin Cover

Here’s the good news: 

With a book consultant, writing your expert book doesn’t have to take you longer than 90 days.

Statistics show that the average author spends a year or more writing their first draft, but as an expert who utilizes her genius to serve clients every day, it won’t take more than 90 days if you have the right process. Even if you’re not exactly sure what you want to say, we can develop the best book to scale your expert business—one that highlights who you are, shares your process, and gives your ideal audience what they need to know! 

Inside the Expert Book Accelerator, I help brilliant women like yourself figure out how to make writing a book easier than ever. In fact, using my Profitable Page Turner™ method, you’ll probably find that you have thousands of words already written—especially if you have a blog or podcast. After that hitting your daily word count will become a natural part of your workflow.

You can continue to dream about one day, or you can commit to your big idea and bring it to life!!

You don’t have to sell a single book to reach your next six-figures.

The tough pill to swallow: Your book probably won't make much money from print sales. In fact, 98% of books sold less than 5,000 copies in 2020. Success based on book sales is typically reserved for top authors like J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Danielle Steele. But here's the good news: You can write a book that generates serious revenue for your business, even if you never sell a single copy!

Here’s how you truly create a return on investment from your expert book: 

Let’s say you get your book into the hands of 600 ideal readers who join your email list in the first year. With a (very) conservative email sales rate of 4%, you could end up with 24 new clients within that year. If your high-ticket offer sells for $5,000, that's a $120,000 revenue increase! 

Considering your book will cost about $30,000 from start to finish, that's a 400% return on your just ONE YEAR!! And those numbers come from conservative estimates. This is what's possible with the Expert Book Accelerator. But it'll never happen without your commitment to creating something amazing!

Stop wasting time on new trends and scale your business with a tried and true method: writing your expert book. 

You don’t have to know it all to write your expert book. Just take your next best step.

The biggest thing that keeps us from creating something amazing is not knowing where to start. As a busy woman, you can’t afford to fall down the rabbit hole of research, get lost in confusion, and become distracted by ongoing business tasks. You must commit to writing your expert book and finding a way to make it happen.

That’s why I’m here to help! As a business owner and multi-time international bestselling author, I wrote my book in just two months. I understand the nuances of what it takes to quickly bring a great book to life—the kind of book that will keep your readers engaged and leave them wanting more of what you have to offer!

The first step inside the Expert Book Accelerator is to go over your vision for your book and determine your best starting place. You’ll end the session feeling like bringing your big idea to life is more possible! Plus, I’ll send you a personalized Project Kickstart Report that captures everything we covered so you can make a more informed decision about moving forward with your project.

It’s time to take your business to the next level with an expert book!

If you didn’t have the capability to use your genius in a way that serves the world, you’d never have made it this far. But here you are, running a thriving business! Just like the burning desire that carried you through the ups and downs of starting your business, your desire to write an expert book for your business exists because of your capability. 

Stop questioning yourself or thinking you’ll take the time to figure it out someday. Dreams accomplish nothing, but anything is possible when you take targeted action. You know enough about business to know that touching more lives in a genuine way will naturally bring the right people into your business, increasing your revenue. And writing your expert book is a great way to touch more lives and grow your business to the next level!

I’m giving away my secrets to creating an expert book that will scale your business—even if you never sell a single copy. Discover 6 things you need to know before you start writing by downloading
How to Write A Book That ACTUALLY Makes Money.


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