Three Myths People Think About Becoming an Accomplished Bestselling Author

By Danielle Mendoza
Bespoke book consultant for entrepreneurs.

If you’ve got a dream of becoming a bestselling author, then this blog is for you! The world of book publishing has a lot to say about becoming a bestseller, but I find it’s a noisy world full of myths rooted in the old paradigms of traditional publishing. 

Myth #1 - You’ve got to write the perfect book to become a bestselling author.

The most common mistake that keeps women experts like you from writing a book is believing they need to spend a bunch of time learning all. the. things. in order to make their book perfect and become a bestseller! But a quick look at the writings of some of the bestselling authors out there will leave you scratching your head, thinking Really? THAT went bestseller? 

Yes, books good and bad become bestsellers because there’s more to it than just writing a good book. Any book that becomes a bestselling title was launched with a strategy to drive that outcome. 

Your job as the author is to create the best book for your readers—something that speaks clearly and directly to them, delivering what they need to know in a compelling way. And the most compelling reads are often far from perfect!

Save yourself the headache of staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor and trying to painfully write the perfect book. Together we can discover what your best book looks like inside the Expert Book Accelerator. You’ll get to bring your ideas to life with the Author’s Welcome Kit, making writing a breeze.

Myth #2 - You need to be a household name before publishing for your book to become a bestseller.

No one knew who Gretchen Rubin or JK Rowling were before they wrote their books. In fact, their books are what made them a household name! Now, they are authors by trade, and you are authoring to share the genius of your trade, which is a little different. BUT! There’s no reason you have to have a huge following before writing a book.

This belief is rooted in the old paradigm of the traditional publishing world, where publishers don’t want much to do with authors who don’t bring a ready audience to the table. This is simply because their goal is to sell as many books as possible. As a self-published author, you can write and release books that connect you to ideal clients and sell your signature service without worrying about how many copies you’ll actually sell.

You’ll only need a dedicated following and network who are willing to support your book during launch week in order to create success in a bestseller campaign. Bestseller campaigns are successful when there’s a volume of sales in a short period of time. Inside the Expert Book Accelerator, we’ll go over how to rev up your launch so that you get the necessary volume of people jumping at the chance to read your expert book—and your bestselling campaign team can do the rest.

Myth #3 - Your book will magically become a bestseller as long as people like it enough.

You do not have to make it to Oprah’s booklist to become a bestselling author, you simply need a bestselling campaign team to work their magic. This is something that is its own zone of genius, and all you have to do is hire the right team! They are responsible for positioning your book on the appropriate lists in the backend of Amazon so your volume of sales helps you rank in relevant categories.

In fact, with the right team and launch strategy in place, your book will become a bestseller before anyone has even had the chance to read it. This is because the right launch strategy will help you become a bestselling author within hours of your book’s release!

Of course, writing a quality book that shares your genius and personality through storytelling is a great way to guarantee that the right readers will love it. And as a successful business owner you know that the best marketing strategy will repel the wrong people while drawing in the right ones. The same is true of your book! 

The Truth.

You can write and release a book that tops the bestseller charts in less than one year. All you need is the right book, written for the right people, launched with the right strategy. As a multi-time bestselling author who’s guided many women to bestseller status through sharing their stories and expertise, I know what it takes. And with the Profitable Page Turner™ method you won’t have to spend more than 3 months writing a powerful first draft.

While the average author spends over a year writing their book, you can create a strategy that makes it easy to have your book written, edited, and published within 9 months—which means you can become a bestselling author in less than a year!

I’m giving away my secrets to creating an expert book that will scale your business—even if you never sell a single copy. Download How to Write a Book that ACTUALLY Makes Money to discover more about what you need to know to create the right book for your audience. 


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